Q1. What was your most interest topic?
・Movie ‥4
・About New Zealand ・・1
Q2. What part of uploading blog was fun/interesting?
・I got new informations by researching. ・・2
・My vocabulary of English and knowledge was improved. ・・2
・Many people commented on blog. ・・1
Q3.On the contrary, What was difficult?
・I had to research about other countries. ・・1
・To think composition. ・・2
・I had to choose a information from too many informations. ・・1
・There are few information. ・・1
Q4. How long does it take to upload blog each article?
Q5. What point did you care about when you wrote your blog?
・Easiness to read
・Try not to use difficult words
・To upload many nice pictures
・To figure out layout
・Try not to take spelling mistakes
Q6. How many comments did you get each article?
2~5 comments
Q7. How did you feel when you got comments?
・Delightful ・・3
・Got excited ・・1
・I did it!!!!! ・・1
Q8. Will you continue uploading your blog after finishing this class?
・YES(as much as possible) ・・1
・May be YES ・・1
・NO ・・2
・May be NO ・・1
Q9. If you don't, why not?
・I don't have enough time to upload blog.
・It is troublesome.
・It is boring.
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